Ran and the Grey World Wikia

"Master Jin Goes Mad" is the 13th chapter of Ran and the Gray World, a manga written and illustrated by Aki Irie.


Jin is in heat and he shouldn't be going to school, but he does anyway and starts kissing every girl and woman in school.


Jin has broken out of his chains because he is late to school. He goes to school but he doesn't seem like himself. He keeps kissing the girls that come near him, like Ryouko and Ms. Fujikawa but something isn't right with any of them. When Sango shows up at school to berate him for getting out of his chains while he was still not himself, he kisses her too. JIn calls her perfect. Jin asks her to have his children and she wistfully agrees. Jin drags Sango away from the crowd.



  1. Title translated by: Futari Wa Pretty Anon